Saturday, 29 December 2012

The Accident

Today, after coming home from a hair appointment where I chopped off a lot of my hair (I needed a change so bad I was ready to go at it with my sewing scissors! Thank goodness my hair dresser had an opening today, she did a much better job then I would have!) I got into a car accident.
It was a young guy driving, barely 16. He hit the back end of my vehicle, smashing in the back pretty good. You could see he was pretty shaken up, freaking out, mostly muttering the phrase, "My parents are going to kill me!"
Nobody got hurt and my car is still driveable.
Thinking I'll settle in with a drink and a movie tonight. After these past few really hard days (Missing my baby a lot, and with the accident tonight) I'm thinking I need just a little numb.

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